Providence College Department of Biology

Student Award Winners 2016

We would like to announce and congratulate the following graduating students who earned department awards this year:

2016 Biology Department Awards
The Albertus Magnus Award: Tracy O. Yeboah

The Albertus Magnus Award is given to the graduating student of Providence College who best exemplifies the life of Albertus in his service of humanity through teaching:his willingness to serve; his devotion to educate;his breadth of learning; his willingness to learn new techniques; his love of science, especially the biological sciences; his inquiring mind.

The Robert I. Krasner Award: Ryan Garrity & Christine M. Drogan
The Robert I. Krasner Award is given to the graduating Providence College biology major who best exemplifies Dr. Krasner’s commitment to teaching and leadership inside and outside of the classroom. Dr. Robert Krasner,’51, Ph.D., M.P.H, taught biology as a member of the Providence College Biology Department from 1958 to 2008, was involved in numerous educational activities, both on and off campus, and developed and directed programs for pre-college teachers and students, namely, The Biotechnology Workshop for Secondary School Science Teachers (1992-1997), and The Summer Science Program for High School Students (1975-2006). The recipient of this award is selected on the basis of promise for continuing this legacy.
The Charles V. Reichart Award: Brett G. Enos

The Charles V. Reichart Award is given to the graduating student of Providence College who best exemplifies Fr. Reichart’s dedication to the advancement of the biological sciences as evidenced by his scholarship, intellectual curiosity, disciplined perseverance and scientific integrity. The recipient of the Charles V. Reichart Award is selected on the basis of promise as a scholar in the biological sciences.

Highest GPA in Concentration: Catherine E. Cherry

2016 Health Professions Awards
The Saint Thomas Aquinas Award: Shelby Scola

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Award is given to the premedical or predental senior who best exemplifies the ideals of Saint Thomas Aquinas in scholarship, moral character, and devotion to Providence College.

The Stephen J. Ryan, M.D., ’30 Distinguished Student Award: Morgan L. McCarthy

The Stephen J. Ryan M.D. ’30 Distinguished Student Award is given to a graduating Providence College Senior who has been accepted for admission to a United States medical school and wh o possess “the characteristics of integrity, compassion, and personality that would make for the ideal physician.”

Richard Mignacca, ’60 Award: Christina M. Perri

This award is given to an outstanding Providence College senior who will attend medical school in the fall following graduation.

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